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A firework display of red against a black background

Veterans With PTSD and Fireworks

Do fireworks trigger PTSD in veterans? Not only is the answer, yes, but it is also actually quite common among combatants who are suffering from this affliction. With the lack of information surrounding post-traumatic stress disorder, it is no wonder why it remains an issue to this day. Counseling of Southwest Florida has years of experience treating war vets with PTSD and made this overview of the connection between PTSD veterans and fireworks and how to help in hopes that some of those suffering can receive the help they need.

What Is the Connection Between PTSD Suffering Veterans and Fireworks?

PTSD and fireworks, unfortunately, go hand in hand. That is also not a new phenomenon. WW2 veterans with PTSD started reporting this occurrence in the years following their deployment, which was nearly 80 years ago. The information as to why it affects them still appears to be a mystery to many. The truth is simply that the noise and appearance of fireworks resemble something that many veterans experience during their deployment. These displays are known to cause sweating, panic attacks, heart palpitations, flashbacks, and more. The link between PTSD soldiers and fireworks is not easily managed, but what can you do to make the symptoms lessen over time?

How to Help Veterans With PTSD?

Now that you understand the link between episodes of PTSD and fireworks, what can you do to help the veterans suffering? There are many ways to curve, at least temporarily, these extreme symptoms of PTSD. These include:

  • Use earplugs if the noise is the trigger rather than the sight.
  • Practice breathing techniques. PTSD and fireworks are a combination that makes the sufferer feel unsafe, which will help reconnect them.
  • Do NOT turn to avoid the light and noise. It is actually detrimental to the treatment of PTSD.
  • Using weighted blankets can also help encourage the feeling of safety during these episodes.

These methods, and others like it, are an easy way to avoid an episode in the moment but are not a way to achieve long term improvement. Instead, seek qualified professionals who can help make your symptoms lessen in the long run.

Seeking Southwest Florida Counseling Help?

Our Counseling of Southwest Florida team offers counseling in Naples for many different afflictions. One of which is PTSD help for non-veterans and veterans alike. Contact us today to learn more about how our counseling can help you, or read some more of our articles to learn more about all things mental health.


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