Addiction Recovery Begins Here
Man holding a cigarette

Does Smoking Help With Anxiety?

If there is one thing that smoking is commonly associated with, it is that it is frequently used as a stress reliever during tough situations. All over popular media, like in movies, television shows, and music, smoking cigarettes or other forms of nicotine is seen as a quick relief for spikes in anxiety or nervousness. This could cause many people that suffer from a generalized anxiety disorder or other forms of anxiety to try smoking to quell some of its most annoying symptoms. But does smoking help with anxiety? Counseling of Southwest Florida and our Florida addiction therapy professionals take a closer look in the following article. 


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Dealing with Grief and Loss in Recovery

Dealing With Grief and Loss in Recovery Tips 

One of the most traumatic and important events that someone has to deal with is the loss of a loved one. Unfortunately, many people have to deal with this event when they are undergoing recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. This could either throw a wrench into their recovery journey or cause a relapse if people do not know how to correctly deal with it. In the following article, Counseling of Southwest Florida details some of the best ways that someone can begin dealing with grief and loss in recovery. Continue reading below to learn more from our Florida addiction therapy professionals. 

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People in Group Therapy

Group vs. Individual Therapy

Group vs. Individual Therapy in Mental Health 

When it comes to someone that needs therapy, they will often try to discover if either group or individual therapy is best for them. As one of the top Florida addiction therapy centers available, Counseling of Southwest Florida is extremely well-versed in both therapy methods and their advantages and disadvantages. If you do not know which method is best for you, the following article is the perfect place to start. Continue reading below to learn more about group vs. individual therapy. 

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The word addiction highlighted in pink

I’m Not an Addict: Reasons to Address Your Addiction

Every Saturday, you go out to the bar with your friends, and every Sunday, you wake up not remembering the night before. Or you go to your friend’s house and pop a few Ecstacy pills a few times a month. You aren’t hurting anyone, right? You might think, “I’m not an addict,” but if you try to quit these habits without success, you might want to think again.

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Child Hugging Parent

How Children of Addicts Are Affected

Having an alcohol or substance addiction can be an immensely challenging issue to deal with. It can be a physically, emotionally, and mentally debilitating disease that negatively affects how someone navigates through life. An unintended consequence of having these addictions is how they impact those around you. That is particularly the case when it comes to the children of addicts, where the tumultuous environment these children are raised in causes long-term harm.

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A woman picking at her arm. Face is out of view

Drugs That Cause Skin Picking and Why It Happens

Drugs and skin sores as a result of skin picking are not only a common stereotype related to the people who have substance abuse issues but are also one of the very real physical side effects of the abuse of certain narcotics. Counseling of Southwest Florida has years of experience providing both group and individual counseling in Naples, FL, and has taken it upon themselves to create this quick overview of drugs that cause skin picking and why picking occurs. If you are worried about drug abuse in somebody you know and love, be sure to keep an eye out for pick marks as it could be a sign that drug abuse is occurring. 

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Pile of white powder

Wellbutrin: The Poor Man’s Cocaine

At first glance, one would believe that Wellbutrin and cocaine have nothing in common. Wellbutrin is a smoking cessation aid that has also been seen to help prevent depression and seasonal depression, while cocaine is an illegal narcotic that famously causes overdoses and addiction. In reality, Wellbutrin snorting as a form of “poor man’s cocaine” has become more and more popular, but why? Counseling of Southwest Florida, providers of expert counseling in Naples, FL, have decided to investigate exactly why people are turning to the poor man’s coke and what they can expect in terms of side effects.Read More

various cocktails

Dealing with A High-Functioning Alcoholic

While many people choose to drink socially, not everyone can handle it. Although they may still be leading a mostly normal life, when your loved one likes to drink a little too much, it can start to cause problems for not just them but you as well. If this becomes the case, your loved one could be a high-functioning alcoholic.

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